Drink of Me and You Will Be Thirsty Again

Drink Until You Are Thirsty

dan delzell opinion page

In the physical realm, h2o quenches a person's thirst. In the spiritual realm, however, your thirst actually increases one time you begin to drink God's "living water." In fact, your thirst for fellowship with God is directly connected to how much living h2o you drink on a daily footing.

The more y'all drinkable, the more you discover yourself continuously talking to God. Frequent prayer flows freely within any soul that is being filled daily with God'due south living water. And this supernatural experience is incredibly refreshing.

Prayer was never meant to be a chore. Instead, it was designed past our Father in heaven to provide ongoing communion and heartfelt conversations with His children. God speaks to united states through His Word, and nosotros speak to Him through prayer. A well-known hymn reminds u.s.: "What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer."

Jesus said, "If a homo is thirsty, let him come to me and potable. Whoever believes in me, equally the Scripture has said, streams of living water volition flow from inside him." (John seven:37)

Trusting Christ equally your Savior is what initially brings God's living water into your soul. And in one case the streams begin to menstruum within you, your thirst for God actually increases. If you currently have no spiritual thirst, the solution to your problem is simple: Potable until you are thirsty.

It seems counterintuitive that such an arroyo would actually work, but it does. Drinking God's living h2o always makes a person thirsty for God, and thirsty for prayer.

Jude wrote to believers: "Dear friends, build yourselves upwardly in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit." (Jude 20)

This is the key to true prayer! Praying in the Spirit is praying in the power and the menses of the Holy Spirit.

Without the Holy Spirit, true prayer would be incommunicable. Nosotros would be left with nothing merely prayer "in the flesh," rather than prayer "in the Spirit." Prayer in the flesh has no power and picayune if any faith. And the reason it lacks joy is considering it is performed merely in man's forcefulness and effort.

Prayer in the flesh feels forced and awkward. Prayer in the Spirit, on the other manus, flows like a river. This is the way God designed our spiritual lives to operate. Simply the Lord can give us an ongoing thirst for a close relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. If left to ourselves, we would take absolutely no thirst whatever for God's living h2o. And our souls would perish from spiritual aridity.

Your soul is not just eternal, only it is besides "the real you." It includes your mind, your emotions, your thoughts, your hopes and dreams, and your intelligence. The real you is who you want to be. If you are a follower of Christ, then the Lord who lives inside you is motivating you to want to live for Him. God produces these holy desires through the miracle of living h2o in our soul.

When a child enters the world, a woman's h2o breaks before the birth of the baby. When we are spiritually reborn, God's streams of living water begin to menstruum within united states, just just subsequently nosotros are "born over again" through faith in Christ. (John 3:1-eight)

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks the h2o I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the h2o I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John iv:fourteen)

The wellspring of God is what gives a Christian an ongoing thirst for God. Believers in Christ know they can trust the Lord. And they know that no matter what they go through in this life, the Lord volition never leave them or abdicate them. (Hebrews 13:5)

If Jesus had non died for our sins on the cross, we would accept no admission to the Father. Christ opened the way for united states through His death and resurrection. We can now approach God with confidence knowing the Lord invites us to bring all of our sins and concerns directly to Him.

"Oh what peace we often forfeit, O what needless hurting we bear, All because we do not acquit everything to God in prayer." What a friend we take in Jesus!

If you find yourself today with petty or no thirst for prayer, you are non solitary. We tin all relate to that experience. But at that place is hope! The style to develop this thirst is not complicated, every bit nosotros confess our sins to God, trust Christ to forgive us, and then beverage until we are thirsty.

That is, brainstorm praying and keep on praying until the power of the Holy Spirit floods your soul with supernatural motivation, force, insight, and an ongoing thirst for God's living water. A huge reason that we sometimes find ourselves with no ability for prayer is because we have non been drinking enough from God's eternal river. We have neglected prayer, and we take neglected God'due south Word.

If we volition return to the waterfall of God's living water, nosotros volition discover that these heavenly streams never run out. Thankfully, this water is constantly flowing from the throne of heaven. You lot run into, the problem is never with God's supply, but rather, it is due to our ain shortcomings and to a lack of prayer. Once we "get back in the flow," nosotros experience a supernatural thirst that just God can requite u.s.a..

And so are y'all thirsty today for God and for prayer? If non, the solution to this problem is simple: Drink until y'all are thirsty.

Dan Delzell is the pastor of Wellspring Church in Papillion, Bill. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Mail service.


Source: https://www.christianpost.com/news/drink-until-you-are-thirsty.html

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