Baby Driver: Music From the Motion Picture Songs
As soon as I learned about the new site that lets you look up the #1 song on any date, I dashed over to check on my birthday, my husband's birthday and my son's. No shocking revelations for the top hits for me and my hubby ("Jack & Diane," by John Cougar [Mellencamp] and "Don't You Want Me," by The Human League, respectively), but the result I got for my baby, Jeremy, made my jaw drop.

My husband and I have been dating since we were 13. A few months into the relationship, aka a few months longer than most 13-year-olds' relationships last, people started snarkily asking us, "When's the wedding?" We had to shut them up somehow, so soon, we started responding with "May 12, 2006." It was a date we chose mostly because we had no couple milestones or holidays to celebrate from February through July, and partly because My Magic Diary said it would be a special day.
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Until we were old enough to get married, we dubbed May 12 "Happy Day," a holiday we celebrated as a twosome with desserts, small gifts and wishing each other a Joyous Happy Day (because Happy Happy Day sounds stupid).
By the time Paul proposed, it was May 2, 2006, a mere 10 days before our would-be wedding date. Alas, May 12, 2006 wouldn't be our wedding anniversary. Since May 12, 2008, the year we would tie the knot, was a Monday we decided against angering our many working guests and for getting hitched on Saturday, May 31, 2008.
Happy Day celebrations sadly curtailed from then on, taking a backseat to our true wedding anniversary.
Fast-forward to September 2013 when I learned I was pregnant with a due date of May 21, 2014. I couldn't believe how close that was to Happy Day, but I knew first babies are more likely to be late than early. I wished for a Happy Day baby anyway. How special would that be if the somewhat-arbitrary day Paul and I chose as a special couple holiday 18 years earlier wound up being our baby's birthday?
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Sure enough, at 12:30 A.M. on May 12, 2014, cramps swirled around my midsection. I didn't know it, but it was my first contraction. A few hours later, the pain returned, and I was pretty sure I'd be heading to the hospital that day. Twenty-two hours of contractions later, Jeremy Harrison arrived at 10:41 P.M. on Happy Day (or really, Happy Night). It was an amazing coincidence, but it wouldn't be the only one.
So what does this all have to do with a #1 song generator? For Jeremy's birthday, I was expecting the top hit to be a tune from Taylor Swift or Katy Perry or even more likely, from someone I've never heard of because new motherhood makes it difficult to keep up with pop culture. But it turned out the #1 song on Jeremy's birthday wasn't just a song I recognized; it also couldn't have been more fitting.
It was "Happy," by Pharrell.

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Baby Driver: Music From the Motion Picture Songs
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